Monday 21 June 2010

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Friday 26 March 2010

One too many...

You would really ask a guy out?

Why not?

What if he says no?

Then I’ll know he doesn’t like me and I’ll move on instead of waiting and wasting my time

I couldn’t do that

Why not

What happened to being a lady and waiting for a guy to ask you…

No that’s not the point

Then What?

Some guys are shy.. They simply need help.

Hmmm…you think?

Well yeah. Well I’m not talking about asking out every random guy. If you’ve developed the friendship and you feel there might be something there but you’re not entirely sure, then why not? Plus most times guys give the green light but they are not entirely sure themselves so in that case, I step in

Well I think a guy that cannot summon enough courage to ask me out is chicken! Why should I date a chicken? If a guy likes me why should he keep it to himself?

No that’s not always the case. Sometimes they need help. Or, the guy may be watching you and just taking his time - but in his heart he already likes you and doesn’t know how to approach the matter. Avoiding fronting makes things easier for both parties

But waiting for him to be the man is not fronting!

You are fronting when you know you like him, he likes you, situation is right, but no one is taking any steps

What if you were misreading the guy? It would be so embarrassing if he says he doesn’t feel that way, and worse, destroy the friendship you have

Well to be honest yeah it could be embarrassing but at least I’ll know that’s one chapter closed and I’ll move on with my life instead of waiting for him forever. You know one thing I hate about guys?


They like you but they don’t say it - especially if they know you’re starting to fall head over heels too. They don’t say it because they don’t want to commit!

So you think by asking a guy out you can make him commit?

No. I’m saying - they want to keep you stringing along.

How do you mean?

I mean, they have a few “female friends” so they can keep their options open. And you’ll be there thinking you’re his only “close female friend”.

Oh come on it’s not always like that. Don’t generalise. Not all guys are like that.

I’m not saying they’re all like that, but they are mostly like that. All I’m saying is, it all boils down to commitment issues.

But refusing your dating offer doesn’t make a guy commitment-phobic… maybe he’s just not into you as you think

What? After driving me home in his car and locking me in for 3 hours just to talk before he let me out?

Maybe he just enjoys your company….

And then calling me before I sleep to make sure I’m ok?


Then calling me in the morning just to say good morning?

Hmm….but friends do that..

So are you saying all your friends call you in the morning and night to check on you?

Well not all, but a few close ones…

Oh please….!

Well you can’t say a guy likes you just because he does those things. I have a male friend who does that and I don’t think it’s anything major. Actually I think I've grown little fond of him ... I think he may have a thing or two for me but I’m not sure…

Won’t you find out?

Nahhhh. I’ll see how it goes

Does he tell you personal things like his past relationships and really personal stuff you don’t think he tells anyone else?


Same here too. This particular guy tells me things I feel are too personal to be shared with just a “normal” friend.

What kind of personal stuff?

Oh talk about the devil! Here he comes…

What? You know him?

Yeah that’s the guy I’ve been talking about

For real? That’s the one I've been on about as well…